Active Reading

Attached here is a copy of my annotations on Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me for paper 2:

Here are copies of my annotations on Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt’s “The Coddling of the American Mind” for paper 3:

Initially, my ability to annotate was strong. This is represented by my annotations for paper 2, as I constantly make meaningful and complex annotations. A good example is when I write “Connection-I think many people, including myself, find this view relatable. Usually kids fail to see the bigger picture. When we ask why, we get hit with ambiguous answers”. Part of the complexity of this annotation is due to the annotation assignment we had for this passage. Still, I think my earlier annotations were complete and complex.

As you can see from my paper 3 annotations, this trend did not last. The article these annotations were made on was extremely long, so the number of annotations for this article really demonstrates how little I annotated. On top of this, the annotations for this paper weren’t specifically structured or graded like the other two papers. Because of this, I think my annotations for this particular paper were pretty lackluster.

All in all, annotating is something I’ve always overlooked and brushed off. I understand that it’s important, but I just can’t get myself to put in all the effort. As I mentioned before, this problem was fixed early on in this semester through the annotations assignments. My annotations for paper 3 demonstrate that this “fix” didn’t last, though. With that being said, I think my annotating skills did actually improve. Even though the complex annotating I did for the first 2 paper assignments didn’t last, I still went from not annotating at all to making moderately informative annotations. Although small, this is still an improvement.