“A liberal arts degree is a luxury that most families can no longer afford,” (Ungar 1). Based on this quote, one can infer that many believe a liberal arts education is not conducive to an actual job. A liberal arts degree is “useless” as it fails in that field. | Ungar believes that this is silly, and the notion that there is a “shortcut” to a job provided by a STEM degree is equally as dumb. Ungar advocates that the liberal arts are actually hugely beneficial in this regard, writing that modern jobs demand a “subtle understanding of the complex influences that shape the world we live in,” (Ungar 1). | In mentioning the importance of the liberal arts, Ungar also notes that the arts provide for “future demands of citizenship”. This connects to Scheuer as Scheuer specifically mentions that the liberal arts are key in developing “critical thinking and citizenship”. |
“College graduates are finding it harder to get good jobs with liberal arts degrees,” (Ungar 1). This quote illustrates that many people falsely assume kids with liberal arts degrees struggle to find jobs. | Ungar actually advocates that a liberal arts degree could be the key to finding a good job. As evidence, Ungar references a 2009 survey that says “three-quarters of our nation’s employers recommend that college bound students pursue a ‘liberal education’,” (Ungar 1). This means many employers actually look for liberal arts education in a person’s background. |
“The liberal arts are particularly irrelevant for low income and first generation college students,” (Ungar 2). In writing this, Ungar is explaining the notion that poorer kids should focus on “practical skills” more than liberal arts. On top of this, the misperception also argues that low-class individuals just aren’t skilled enough to participate in the liberal arts. | Ungar completely disagrees with this, instead mentioning that poorer students are actually more likely to perform well in a liberal arts environment. Ungar believes this misperception is just “a form of prejudice,” and it “cannot be supported intellectually,” (Ungar 2). |
“One should not, in this day and age, study only the arts,” (Ungar 2). This misperception revolves around the idea that the STEM fields are much more prevalent than the liberal arts in today’s society. | Ungar argues that the liberal arts encompass the sciences, writing that “another term sometimes substituted for liberal arts, for the sake of clarity, is ‘the arts and sciences’,” (Ungar 2). This means the liberal arts are all encompassing and thus provide for STEM fields as well. | This connects to Scheuer as he specifically mentions this all encompassing model of the liberal arts. Calling it the “integrated curriculum”, Scheuer notes that the liberal arts are often considered to be “encompassing virtually all nonprofessional higher learning,” (Scheuer 2). |
“It’s ridiculous to continue indoctrinating our young people with a liberal education,” (Ungar 2). This misperception revolves around the idea that the liberal arts are somehow political in nature. This is probably because of the term liberal. | The liberal arts have nothing to do with political bias and instead have to do with political awareness. Rather than indoctrinating the youth with “liberal” ideologies, the liberal arts simply teach people how to think freely and critically. As Ungar puts it, “a liberal education…has nothing to do with politics,” (Ungar 2). |
“America is the only country in the world that clings to such an old fashioned form of postsecondary education as the liberal arts,” Ungar 3). This misperception claims that America is the only country that cares about the liberal arts. | Ungar notes that the liberal arts are embraced globally (although mostly in Europe). In France, for example, “mastery of philosophical and scientific concepts is mandatory,” (Ungar 3). The liberal arts encompass not only science and philosophy, but culture as a whole. As each country has some form of philosophy, religion, and culture, it’s safe to say that the libaral arts play a global role. | This connects to the UNE Core Handbook and the theme of global awareness. The liberal arts and culture are present all around the globe, explaining why UNE places an emphasis on this. According to the handbook, the global awareness courses at UNE allow students to “examine human interactions in cultural, societal, national, and global contexts.” |
“The cost of American higher education is spiraling out of control, and liberal arts colleges are becoming irrelevant because they are unable to register gains in productivity or to find innovative ways of doing things,” (Ungar 3). This misperception states that liberal arts colleges are a waste of money as they are ineffective and don’t provide anything new. | Ungar doesn’t actually fully disagree with this statement, admitting that the cost of higher education is a bit high. However, he also notes that “the problem of costs goes beyond individual institutions,” (Ungar 3). Although higher education is expensive, the liberal arts are still legitimate and respectable fields. |