Huge PRs and an Upcoming Meet

By Elliot Coulombe Woznica

Published 3/24/22

A Successful Week

This blog post may be pretty short, but I still wanted to get on here and explain some recent strides that I’ve taken as well as my progress thus far.

First off, I finally benched 315lbs this week!!!! For anyone who knows a decent amount about the gym/gym culture, you perhaps understand the relevance of this lift! 315lbs is three 45lb plates on each side of the bar, and for many people, this is quite an illusive number to hit on bench. When I first started lifting, for example, almost everyone in the “fitness community” that I followed on social media believed that a 315lb bench was borderline impossible. For this reason, it felt really good to finally hit this. Here’s the clip:

In my opinion, this lift was also pretty close to (if not) competition standards, so I want to take a moment to appreciate how much my competition bench has improved since my last meet. In my last meet, I benched 286lbs for my third attempt. Now, I can bench 315lbs. Of course, it would be dumb to just assume I can automatically do this in a meet just because I’ve had one good day in the gym. All things aside, though, this is a huge increase of almost 30lbs! Just on my bench! I’m so happy with how far my bench has come so far

I’ve also improved upon my squat greatly. Earlier this week I squatted 350lbs for a set of 5!!! Heres the clip:

In my last meet, my heaviest squat was 374lbs. 350lbs for 5 here suggests a squat that’s above 400lbs for my max, so, again, I’m really stoked about my progress here. All in all this was a great week.

Upcoming Meet!

Earlier this week, my coach also told me that I’ll be competing again at the end of July. I’m really excited about this, and I think it will be super interesting to see how much I’ve improved in half a year. Thanks for reading!

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